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Entry $595     Ad Page $150   Scholarship Fee $125

EVENING-WEAR (All Contestants)
All contestants will compete in the evening-wear competition in the gown of their choice. Each contestant will model before a panel of judges as they showcase their stage presence, personality, and confidence on stage. All contestants will use the walking pattern chosen by the State Director.
Toddler to Young Miss: 50% of score
Junior miss and up: 30% of score
Ages 14+: 40% of score

INTERVIEW (Contestants Ages 10+)
Contestants ages 10 and up will sit down before a panel of judges for interview. Our interview questions are age appropriate. The interview will last 3 minutes.
Ages 10 and up: 20% of score

FUN FASHION (All Contestants)
All contestants will compete in the fun fashion competition in the outfit of their choice. Each contestant will model before a panel of judges as they showcase their stage presence, personality, and confidence on stage. All contestants will use the walking pattern chosen by the State Director.

30% of Score


INTRODUCTION (Junior Miss and up)
Junior Miss and up will introduce themselves before a panel of judges as they showcase their stage presence, personality, and confidence on stage. 

Junior Miss and up:10% of Score

• Talent:  The judges your skills in a 3 minute (or less) talent presentation. Judges will be looking for stage presence, entertainment value, and confidence under pressure.
• State Wear: Promote your state, perform a freestyle, or perform a monologue. Judges will be looking for stage presence, entertainment value, and confidence under pressure.
• Casual : Choose an outfit to model freestyle. Our judges will be looking for confidence, personality, and stage presence.
•Fitness: wear your favorite sports wear or swimwear free styling on stage. Judges will be looking for professionalism, content, and confidence,
•Theme Wear: You wear a style to match the theme of the pageant. Judges are looking for personality, originality and free style modeling .
Each optional is $75 to enter per division do not replace any scores

US Miss State Pageants has a growing list of sponsors. We are excited to announce that we will be awarding scholarships at the National level with 30+ contestants! With 30+ contestants, there will be a guaranteed $500 scholarship to the contestant In the Miss Division with the highest score. This amount may increase or decrease with the number of contestants competing.
With 30+ contestants, there will be a guaranteed $250 scholarship to the Teen Miss Division with the highest score. Pageant. Every division will receive cash To be determined by National Director.

You compete age day of Nationals January 2023

Toddler Miss 12mo-3

Little Miss 4-6

Young Miss 7-9

Pre-Teen 10-12

Jr Teen 13-15

Teen 16-19

Miss 20-29

Ms 30-39

Modern Ms 22+ (Sizes 16+)

Elegant Ms 40+

All Mandatory events (Beauty, Runway, and Interview)

Sash magnet from Queens Magnet

 National shirt

Participation medal

 Delegate bag

Other fees that may be included as an expense to you is: Opening number, shoes, dress, and Silent Auction basket

Contact Melissa
to Register for the 2023 National pageant

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